Chris Bexar

P.O. Box 56431

Houston, Texas 77256

                                                               Curriculum Vitae

Group Exhibitions


All Ivy Summer Social, Reeves Gallery, August, curator: Matt Reeves 

Some Images May Be Disturbing, Reeves Gallery, April, curator: Matt Reeves


FigureGlyph Exhibition, SearchLight Atelier & Gallery, Cryptovoxels, May, curator: SearchLight 

Tributary: From Daylight to Nightflight, Illust Space, SXSW, Austin Convention Center, March, curator: @SearchLight 

Domance, Altspace & Spatial, February, curator: @SearchLight


Art Basel Miami, Illust Space, Miami Beach Convention Center, December, Miami Beach 

Masked Ephemera, @NFTs.TIPS, The Edison Ballroom, November, NYC_NYC Time Square, Palladium Theatre, Metaverse, curator: @SearchLightNfts

The Happening, HSPVA 50th Alumni Exhibition, DiverseWorks, October, Houston, curator: Laura Mott

Stratosphere, NFT Art International, Neal Digital Gallery, July August, Beijing, China, curator: Sabet

Stratosphere, NFT Art International, Cathay View Art Zone, July, Beijing, China, curator: Sabet

Into the Garden, NFTs.TIPS Premere NFT Exhibition, Racket Lounge and BlackDove, June, Miami Beach, Florida, curators: NFTs.TIPS committee

Architecture Reimagined 2.0, MKT BAR, February-June


Architecture Reimagined, MKT BAR, January-June


Architecture Reimagined, MKT BAR, November-December


Tenacity, Houston Ballet, featured Artist, June

Peripheral Vision’s Fellowship, Salon 2017 Publication Fellows (7), March

Art Box, Stricoff Gallery, group show, March (Armory), New York, NY


Tokyo Foto Awards, Owada Gallery, January, Shibuya-ku Tokyo Honorable Mention Architecture, body of work

Compulsive Web Time Compression, Wedge Gallery (HCC Southeast-Eastside Campus) June

Outside Salon, Bushwick Open Studios, September, Brooklyn, New York,

curators Aden & Ayers 



Marlborough Gallery, The Furture is Ow, January, NYC, New York



RE Gallery, Place/Non-Place, June-September, Dallas Texas

Spring Street Studios, Eye Candy, April

Makebish + RE, Satellite Show, April, Dallas Texas



Mark Flood Resents Studio, Emotionally Unavailable Men, December, Miami Beach Florida


BLUEorange, Salon des Refuses, July

Art on 5Th, Texas Top Thirty, September-October, Austin


Cohn Drennan Contemporary, Houston Show in Dallas, curator: Chris Bexar

Williams Tower, Interface, December, curator: Sally Sprout

Houston Center for Photography, HCP Sponsored Meeting Place, March

Houston Center for Photography, HCP Print Auction, February


Lawndale, Retablo, October

Houston Center for Photography, 29th Annual Juried Membership Exhibition, July-August, juror: Ariel Shanberg, The Center for Photography at Woodstock

Lawndale, Big Show, July, curator: Larissa Harris, Queens Museum of Art

Colton-Farb, Art Saving History, June, catalog

Houston Visitors Bureau, Houston Arts Month, May, First Place, jurors: Christine West, executive director, Lawndale Art Center; Diane Barber, executive director, DiverseWorks; Rainey Knudson, founder/director,, Cohn Drennan Contemporary Dallas, April


Lawndale, Retablo, October, 

Lawndale, Big Show, July-August, juror: Paul Middendorf, galleryHOMELAND and EAST/WEST Project Berlin

Gallery Sonja Roesch, Quantum Dada, July, curator: Volker Eisele

Box 13, #notmethough, June, curators: @cameronblaylock, @stevenjthomson

G Gallery, Art Stimulus Package, May, curator: Apama Mackey

Wichita Falls Museum of Art: 2010 TX/OK Art Prize at Wichita Falls Museum of Art, April-May, jurors: Janis Goodman, Professor of Fine Art Corcoran College of Art + Design, Arts Reviewer, PBS/WETA, Washington, DC

Russ Pitman Park, Preserving Space, March-May, curators: Cobley, Qualls, and Woest


Lawndale, Retablo, October 

V in I (5 in 1), Memphis, Tennesse, October, curator: Michael Andrews, residency

A/V Swap, Rice University Media Center, August, curator: Sean Carroll

Wichita Falls Museum of Art, The Second Biennial Survey of Texas Art and Artists: April-June, curators: Cohn Drennan and Danny Bills, catalog

Williams Tower Gallery, Texas Art 2009, March-April, curator: Shelley Langdale, Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings, Philadelphia Museum of Art.


Lawndale, Retablo, October 

Inman Gallery, 5x7, August 

The Radius, San Antonio,Texas, August-November, curator: Joan Grona

Houston Center for Photography, 26th Anniversary Juried Membership Exhibition, August, group show, juror: Alison Nordström, Curator of Photographs at the George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film in Rochester, New York

Arthouse, 5x7, Austin, May

Galveston Arts Center, FotoFest 2008, March, curator: Clint Willour

Williams Tower Gallery, Texas Art 2008, January-February, juror: Dr. Kevin Salatino Los Angeles County Museum of Art


Ulterior Motifs aka Camp Marfa, Crazywood, Huntsville, Texas, December-January, curator: Wayne Gilbert

Art Depot, Lubbock, Camp Marfa, November

Lawndale, Retablo, October

Fort Russell #98, Camp Marfa Trunk Show, October, curator: Wayne Gilbert

Houston Center for Photography, 25th Anniversary Fellowship Exhibition, July-August, group show, juror: Lynn M. Herbert, Senior Curator, Contemporary Art Museum Houston

Lawndale, Big Show, July-August, juror: Rita Gonzalez, Assistant Curator, Special Exhibitions, Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Rice Design Alliance, Snapshot 2007, @ Lawndale, May-June, catalog

Houston City Hall Annex Art on Loan Show, Houston, Texas, Curated by Karen Rezai and Gus Kopriva.

Arthouse, 5x7, Austin, May


Lawndale, Retablo Show, October

Gallery 101, Blages, January-February, curator: Wayn Gilbert

Williams Tower Gallery, Texas Art, January-February, juror: Jeffery Grove, Wieland Family Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, High Art Museum, Atlanta


Barrett Art Center, New Directions, October-November, juror: Steven Evans, Assistant Director Dia Art Foundation

Lawndale, Retablo Show, October 

Art Car Museum, FACE, July-September

Gallery 101, One Big Piece, April, Wayn Gilbert

City Hall Project, Houston, Texas. juror: Gus Kopriva


Lawndale@Glassell, Retablo Show, November 

Blue Star, Blue Star 19, November-January, juror: Lynn Herbert 

Gallery 101, Soft Frequency Hard, September-October, juror: Wayne Gilbert

Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Snap to Grid, September         

Art Car Museum, The Big Show for Lawndale, July, juror: Michael Ray Charles

Lowell Collins Gallery, Discover The Art, July - August

Glassell School of Art, Student Exhibition 2004, May-June, jurors: Arielle Masson, Brian Portman, Sandy Zilker

Houston Center for Photography, June-July, juror: Diane Barber

Midtown Marfa Gallery, Handbags & Baggage, May, juror: Evelyn Luciani

Visual Arts Alliance, April-May, juror: Sally Sprout

Art League Houston, Fotofest, March-April

Glassell School of Art, Photo Show 2004, February-March, jurors: Clint  Willour and Jean Caslin


Art League Houston, Open Show, October-December, jurors: Dr. Robert Card & Karol Kreymer

Lawndale, Retablo Show, October

Slide Jam, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, slide presentation and lecture

Visual Arts Alliance, October, juror: Polly Hammett

Glassell School of Art, Student Exhibition, May - June, jurors: Charlotte Cosgrove, Arthur Turner, Terrell James

Visual Arts Alliance, May - June, juror: Lynn McLanahan Herbert, Senior Curator, Contemporary Art Museum Houston,

LSU Union Art Gallery, A Compact Competition, April -May, juror: Michael Rooks Assistant Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art /Chicago

Austin Museum of Digital Art, 2nd Anniversary Digital Showcase, March, juror: Ginny Blocher, AMODA Exhibition Director


Visual Arts Alliance, November, juror: Clint Willour Executive Director of Galveston Arts Center

Lawndale, Retablo Show, October

500X Gallery, Dallas, May

Visual Arts Alliance, April, juror: Marysol Nieves, Senior curator Bronx Museum of the Arts

Commerce Street Artist’s Warehouse, January, curated by Frank Porreco III

Redbud Gallery, Project Phoenix, January, (Bexar), curated by Gus Kopriva


Art Guys Museum, Fingernail Art Show, December, curated by the Art Guys

Winterstreet Art Space, November, curated by Mark Parthie

Lawndale, Retablo Show, October

Bayou City Art Festival, October

CowParade, Cow Twombly, September - November

CowParade, Lichtenholstein, September - November

Art League of Houston, Open Show, August, juror: Virgil Grotfeldt

Augen Gallery, Portland, OR, Sextablo, April, curated by Michael Hernandez de Luna

The Community Artists’ Collective, fresh mix, January, curated by Ayanna McCloud


Redbud Gallery, Sextablo, November - January, curated by Gus Kopriva

Lawndale, Retablo Show, October

Visual Arts Alliance, October, juror: Lucas Johnson

Diverse Works, Art-o-Mat, September, curated by Diane Barber

Diverse Works, Art-o-Mat, 2000, curated by Diane Barber

Commerce Street Art Warehouse, Installation, September, curated by Frank Porreco III

Magnolia Gallery, July, August

Lawndale, The Big Show, July, August, juror: Sara Kelner

Visual Arts Alliance Board Show, January


Art Car Museum, November - February, curated by Tex Kerschen

Lawndale, Retablo Show, October

Visual Arts Alliance, October - November, juror: Clint Willour


Visual Arts Alliance, October, juror Salley Sprout

Austin Visual Arts Association, Dada Moon, September, juror: Kathryn Davidson

Art League, 5th Open Show, September, juror Bert Long

Bucking the Texan Myth III, September, Austin, jurors: Chuck Cooper, Peter Mears, and Jill Robertson Oleson, catalog

Commerce Street Art Warehouse, installation, May, curated by Frank Porreco 

Visual Arts Alliance, March, group show, juror: Dana Friis Hanson


Visual Arts Alliance, October, juror: Harvey Bott

Art League, 4th Open Show, September, juror: Susie Kalil


2018 Peripheral Vision’s Fellowship, Salon 2017 Publication Fellows (7), March


2017 Tokyo Foto Awards, Owada Gallery, January, Shibuya-ku Tokyo Honorable Mention Architecture, body of work


2016 Moscow International Foto Awards, Na Kashirke Gallery, June, Moscow, Honorable Mention Architecture, “Irrational Glomming”

2010 Houston Visitors Bureau, Houston Arts Month May, First Place Cover Photo, jurors: Christine West, executive director, Lawndale Art Center; Diane Barber, executive director, DiverseWorks; Rainey Knudson, founder/director,

2007 Houston Center for Photography, Carol Crow Memorial Fellowship, Honorable Mention, juror: Lynn McLanahan Herbert, Senior Curator, Contemporary Art Museum Houston

2006 Artscouts, Pinewood Derby, October, group show, First Place, juror: Jason Makepeace

2006 Dangenart Gallery, Peek Through Photo Compitition, Nashville, Tennesee, May, group show, 1 of 8 exhibition winners, juror: Daniel Lai

2004 Visual Arts Alliance, April-May, group show, 3rd Honorable Mention, juror:  Sally Sprout

2003 Art League Houston, Open Show, October-December, group show, 1 of 5 award winners, jurors: Dr. Robert Card & Karol Kreymer

2003 DiverseWorks, Creative Capitol Workshop, July

2003 Visual Arts Alliance, May - June, group show, Second Place, juror: Lynn McLanahan Herbert, Senior Curator, Contemporary Art Museum Houston

2002 Visual Arts Alliance, November, group show, 3rd Place, juror: Clint Willour Executive Director of Galveston Arts Center

2000 Visual Arts Alliance, October, group show,1st & 3rd Place: Sculpture juror: Lucas Johnson

1999 Visual Arts Alliance, October - November, group show, 1st place: Sculpture, juror: Clint Willour

Museum Exhibitions

2010 Wichita Falls Museum of Art: The Second Biennial 2010 TX/OK Art Prize at Wichita Falls Museum of Art, April-May, juror: Janis Goodman, Professor of Fine Art Corcoran College of Art + Design, Arts Reviewer, PBS/WETA, Washington, DC

2009 Wichita Falls Museum of Art: The Second Biennial Survey of Texas Art and Artists: April-June, curators: Cohn Drennan and Danny Bills, catalog

2008 Galveston Arts Center, FotoFest, March, curator: Clint Willour

2004 Blue Star, Blue Star 19, November-January, juror: Lynn 

2003 Austin Museum of Digital Art, 2nd Anniversary Digital Showcase, March, group show, curator: Ginny Blocher, AMODA Exhibition Director

Collaboration Collective

I Love You Baby, 2003 – 2007


2009 V in I (5 in 1), Memphis, Tennesse, October, curator: Michael and Alice Andrews

Solo Exhibitions

2003 Mackey Gallery, ArtHouston 2003, July – August

2000 Magnolia Gallery, July, August

1998 Commerce Street Art Warehouse, installation, May, curator: Frank Porreco III

© Chris Bexar 2021